Being a Women’s Health provider can be a daunting task. The complexity of GYN conditions that women deal with during their life spans requires a vast depth and breadth of knowledge. Come see how we at Learn GYN can make your work truly rewarding by equipping you with the necessary knowledge and tools!

Hi! I’m Dr. Adeeti Gupta and I am on a mission to make Women's health education....

  • Comprehensive
  • Accessible
  • Affordable
  • Easy to learn
  • Easy to apply

Whether you are a Women's Health Provider or just a lifelong learner, you will find these master classes clear, thorough, and actionable!

Learn more about me here.

"What sets this platform apart is the clarity and practical applicability of each masterclass. Each class is unique and has helped me deeply improve the care that I can give to my patients. The live webinars, expert Q&A sessions, and the community forum were invaluable in addressing my concerns and learning from the experiences of others.

  • D A (certified student)